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Deployment: K8s

This reference guide will walk you through self-hosting WhyLabs Guardrails API with Kubernetes (K8s).

Recommended pod configuration for WhyLabs Guardrails API:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 6GiB of memory

It's also recommended to deploy to instances with Intel Xeon Scalable processors for best performance.

Image Access Token

In order to access the WhyLabs Guardrails API deployment image, you'll need to have the secrets to our container registry. Please reach out to [email protected] for help.


NOTE: Change the --namespace value if you will be deploying into a namespace other than langkit.


  • Create a WhyLabs API Key which must be stored in a whylabs-api-key Kubernetes secret, described below.
kubectl create secret generic whylabs-api-key \
--namespace=langkit \
  • Generate a random value for the langkit-api-secret Kubernetes secret, also described below. This secret is required to call the container API endpoint.
kubectl create secret generic langkit-api-secret \
--namespace=langkit \
  • Create a secret with a WhyLabs provided GitLab token to pull the LangKit image
kubectl create secret docker-registry langkit-gitlab-registry-secret \
--docker-server="" \
--docker-username="project_55361491_bot_5a6afbd67224dd1583ccd6c7987354c3" \
--docker-password="<token>" \
--docker-email="" \

Helm Chart Installation

Make sure you get the latest template from our chart repo:


Display the full YAML manifests as they will be applied.

# This will use the "langkit" namespace
helm template --namespace langkit langkit .


View the difference between the current state and desired state.

# Requires the helm-diff plugin to be installed:
# helm plugin install
helm diff upgrade \
--allow-unreleased \
langkit langkit-<latest-tag>.tgz


helm upgrade --install \
--create-namespace \
--namespace langkit \
langkit langkit-<latest-tag>.tgz


helm uninstall \
--namespace langkit \
langkit langkit-<latest-tag>.tgz
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