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WhyLabs SCIM Integration


SCIM is only available to WhyLabs Enterprise Plan customers. To get started, please contact our support team or email us at [email protected].

WhyLabs Account Management and SCIM

The WhyLabs SCIM API enables provisioning of users and managing of organization memberships for multiple organizations belonging to a single parent organization. This parent organization is the account.

Administrators within the account organization can create an API token that grants access to the SCIM API for the account. This token and API can be used by provisioning systems to automate user and membership provisioning.

Setting up an account

Please contact us to set up an account organization, providing:

  • the list of organizations to be managed under the account
  • the list of administrators to be added into the account organization

Setting up the groups to be provisioned

Each organization and role pair in WhyLabs is represented as a SCIM group. For example, the Member role in org-3454 is represented as the SCIM group whylabs-org-3454:member.

Set up your provisioner with three groups (whylabs-org-xxxx:admin, whylabs-org-xxxx:member and whylabs-org-xxxx:viewer) for each managed organization in the account.

You may also manage the users and roles in the account organization. We recommend you only use the account organization for account management and so the groups in the account organization representing Member and Viewer roles should be kept empty.

Note that WhyLabs SCIM groups cannot be created or deleted, as they are defined automatically by the organizations in the account, and the predefined WhyLabs roles.

See WhyLabs SCIM Provisioning with Okta for more detailed information on setting up the Okta SCIM App integration to work with WhyLabs.


Before making any SCIM requests, ensure you have appropriate authentication credentials. The WhyLabs SCIM service uses token-based authorization and required a WhyLabs API token that has been created with account management scope. Create a suitable token using the (WhyLabs Access Token UI)[/whylabs-capabilities#access-token-management] in the account organization.

Tokens generated in other organizations grant no access outside of the specific organization. Only an account API token can be used to manage other organizations.

The account API token only allows provisioning of users and memberships in the account organization and its managed organizations. It cannot be used for other administration or user tasks within those managed organizations.

Endpoint URLs

SCIM V2 requests are sent to specific endpoint URLs that correspond to different resource types:

  • Users:
  • Groups:

HTTP Methods

SCIM V2 uses standard HTTP methods to perform CRUD operations:

  • GET: Retrieve resources or search for resources
  • POST: Create new resources
  • PUT: Update existing resources
  • PATCH: Update specific attributes of existing resources
  • DELETE: Delete resources

Request Headers

Include the necessary headers in your requests:

  • Authorization: Used for authentication, in the form of "Bearer [Token]".
  • Content-Type: Specify the content type of the request body, set to application/scim+json or application/json.
  • Accept: Set to application/scim+json or application/json to indicate the desired response format.

Response Handling

SCIM responses include standard HTTP status codes and a JSON payload. The payload structure follows the SCIM schema for the corresponding resource type.

Error Handling

SCIM V2 uses standard HTTP status codes and includes error details in the response payload. Refer to the SCIM specification for information about common error codes and their meanings.

SCIM User Attributes

Required SCIM User Attributes

Only a single attribute needs to be provided by the provisioner for successful WhyLabs user provisioning.

  • userName: The unique username for the user. This must be set to the user's email, and will be verified if the user is not already registered with WhyLabs.

A SCIM create user request will return a unique id for the user, which the provisioner must use in subsequent requests.

Optional SCIM User Attributes

WhyLabs supports the following optional SCIM user attributes, which are required by some provisioners:

  • name: A complex attribute representing the user's name, including givenName (first name) and familyName (last name). This attribute is supported because it is required by some provisioners. It is not used by WhyLabs itself.
  • emails: An array of email addresses associated with the user. This attribute is supported because it is required by some provisioners. It is not used by WhyLabs itself.
  • active: A boolean indicating whether the user account is active. This attribute is used by some provisioners instead of the DELETE action. If a user is set to inactive, WhyLabs will delete any memberships associated with that user within the account.
  • externalId: A unique ID by which the user is known to the provisioner.

We recommend only including these attributes if required to do so by your provisioner.

Request Examples

Listing Account Users

This request will retrieve up to 100 account users, starting from the first user. Pagination parameters are optional.

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

Where {{authz}} is the form of "Bearer [Token]".

The response looks like:

"Resources": [
"id": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",
"active": true,
"userName": "[email protected]",
"groups": [
"value": "org-12A4A6:member",
"display": "org-12A4A6:member",
"type": "direct"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"location": ""

Creating a User

This request will create a new user with the specified userName (email). Other supported optional SCIM attributes may be included in the request.

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],
"userName":"[email protected]"

A successful response looks like:

"userName": "[email protected]",
"id": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",
"active": true,
"meta": {
"location": ""

An unsuccessful response due to the user already existing will have a status code of 409 with a response body like:

"schemas": [
"detail": "scimgateway[plugin-songbird] Resource email with ID [email protected] already exists.",
"status": "409"

Getting a specific User

A specific user can be retrieved using the user's ID:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

A successful response looks like:

"id": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",
"active": false,
"userName": "[email protected]",
"groups": [
"value": "org-12A4A6:member",
"display": "org-12A4A6:member",
"type": "direct"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"location": ""

Updating a User

WhyLabs SCIM API supports PUT for updating a full user record and PATCH for updating specific attributes. When using the minimum required user attributes, provisioners may not need to update a user because the userName (email) attribute cannot be changed.

A PUT request with optional attributes looks like:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],
"userName": "[email protected]",
"name": {
"firstName": "Test",
"givenName": "User3"
"emails": [{
"value": "[email protected]",
"type": "work"
"active": true

The response looks like the response in Getting a specific User.

See the section on Deleting a User for an example using PATCH.

Deleting a User

WhyLabs SCIM API supports deleting a user. The request looks like:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

A successful response will return a 204 status.

A provisioner that uses the active status attribute rather than deleting a user can update this status using a patch request like:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
"Operations": [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "active",
"value": true

The response looks like:

"id": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",
"active": false,
"userName": "[email protected]",
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User"

Creating and Deleting Groups

WhyLabs SCIM API does not support creating or deleting groups, because the groups correspond to the organizations within the account and the predefined WhyLabs roles. A POST or DELETE call to the Groups API will return a 400 status code, similar to:

"schemas": [
"scimType": "mutability",
"detail": "scimgateway[plugin-songbird] deleteGroup error: Deleting groups (whylabs organization:role) is not supported",
"status": "400"

Listing all Groups

This request will retrieve the groups corresponding to each role in the account organization and all managed organizations within the account. Groups for roles with no members will be included:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

The successful response looks like:

"Resources": [
"id": "org-12A4A6:admin",
"displayName": "org-12A4A6:admin",
"members": [
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc24543655675697067866765",
"display": "[email protected]"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"location": ""
"id": "org-12A4A6:member",
"displayName": "org-12A4A6:member",
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"location": ""
"id": "org-12A4A6:viewer",
"displayName": "org-12A4A6:viewer",
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"location": ""
"totalResults": 6,
"itemsPerPage": 6,
"startIndex": 1,
"schemas": [

Getting a specific Group

This request will retrieve a specific group (organization and role):

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

The response looks like:

"id": "org-12A4A6:admin",
"displayName": "org-12A4A6:admin",
"members": [
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc24543655675697067866765",
"display": "[email protected]"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"location": ""

Updating Membership of Groups

WhyLabs SCIM API supports updating groups via either PUT or PATCH. A PUT request must contain the full list of members of the group. Under members, the value field is the user ID and the display field is the userName (email). The following request will replace any existing members of group org-789See:member with the single specified member:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{authz}}

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],
"members": [{
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",

Note that the display name (email) is treated by WhyLabs as immutable and if it is specified in the PUT request, it will be ignored.

"id": "org-789See:member",
"displayName": "org-789See:member",
"members": [
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc245436556756970678667651234",
"display": "[email protected]"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group"

A SCIM PATCH request to update memberships specifies the values to be added or removed, like this:


"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
"Operations" : [
"op": "add",
"path": "members",
"value": [{
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc24543655675697067866765"
"op": "remove",
"path": "members",
"value": [{
"value": "user-56790aecd243564900ac4535685907756877864564875460587068796047bbae"

A successful response looks like:

"id": "org-789See:member",
"displayName": "org-789See:member",
"members": [
"value": "user-12358495436789576954786047676457ddacc24543655675697067866765",
"display": "[email protected]"
"schemas": [
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group"

WhyLabs users can only have a single role within an organization. To maintain this constraint and work with automated provisioners, the SCIM API will automatically remove a user from one group and place them in another where needed.

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