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Misuse Ruleset

Misuse is designed to detect the LLM being used in a way that wasn't intended through the detection of various topics and pii. For example, you can make sure that users aren't trying to get medical or financial advice from a chat interface dedicated to customer support.

The following yaml code can be added to your policy to enable the Misuse ruleset.

  - ruleset: score.misuse
behavior: observe
sensitivity: medium
- medicine
- legal
- finance

This ruleset adds the equivalent of the following metric section to your yaml policy and uses those metrics to compute an overall guardrail scores prompt.score.misuse and response.score.misuse.

- metric: prompt.pca.coordinates
- metric: response.pca.coordinates
- metric: response.pii
- metric: prompt.topics
- medicine
- legal
- finance

The *.pca.coordinates fields are included to allow visualization of the traces. They do not contribute to the guardrail score.

The response.pii metric comprises a set of individual PII metrics as described in the section on Secure Container Metrics

The prompt.topics metric comprises the set of individual topic metrics specified in the yaml above, e.g. prompt.topics.medicine and

The overall guardrail score for the prompt is calculated by first normalizing the constituent metrics to be within the range from 0 to 100 and then taking the maximum value of the normalized metrics.

The following metric scores are calculated when this ruleset is enabled, in addition to the raw metrics listed above:

ruleset_misuse_metrics = [
# Where the only topic configured was 'medical' in this example

The general pattern with rulesets is that they include:

  • the overall guardrail metric(s) for the ruleset
  • the set of individual normalized metrics that contributed to the overall metric score
  • the set of raw metrics that were used to compute the normalized metrics

The individual normalized metric names consist of the raw metric name that they were calculated from, prefixed with the name of the overall metric that they contributed to.

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