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Dict indexed by constraint operator.

These help translate from constraint schema to language-specific functions that are faster to evaluate. This is just a form of currying, and I chose to bind the boolean comparison operator first.

ValueConstraint Objects

class ValueConstraint()

ValueConstraints express a binary boolean relationship between an implied numeric value and a literal. When associated with a ColumnProfile, the relation is evaluated for every incoming value that is processed by whylogs.


op : whylogs.proto.Op (required) Enumeration of binary comparison operator applied between static value and incoming stream. Enum values are mapped to operators like '==', '<', and '<=', etc. value : (required) Static value to compare against incoming stream using operator specified in op. name : str Name of the constraint used for reporting verbose : bool If true, log every application of this constraint that fails. Useful to identify specific streaming values that fail the constraint.

SummaryConstraint Objects

class SummaryConstraint()

Summary constraints specify a relationship between a summary field and a static value, or between two summary fields. e.g. 'min' < 6 'std_dev' < 2.17 'min' > 'avg'


first_field : str Name of field in NumberSummary that will be compared against either a second field or a static value. op : whylogs.proto.Op (required) Enumeration of binary comparison operator applied between summary values. Enum values are mapped to operators like '==', '<', and '<=', etc. value : (one-of) Static value to be compared against summary field specified in first_field. Only one of value or second_field should be supplied. second_field : (one-of) Name of second field in NumberSummary to be compared against summary field specified in first_field. Only one of value or second_field should be supplied. name : str Name of the constraint used for reporting verbose : bool If true, log every application of this constraint that fails. Useful to identify specific streaming values that fail the constraint.

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