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Classes for writing whylogs output

Writer Objects

class Writer(ABC)

Class for writing to disk


output_path : str Prefix of where to output files. A directory for type = 'local', or key prefix for type = 's3' formats : list All output formats. See path_template : str, optional Templatized path output using standard python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See :func:Writer.template_params for a list of available identifers. Default = :data:DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE filename_template : str, optional Templatized output filename using standardized python string templates. Variables are accessed via $identifier or ${identifier}. See :func:Writer.template_params for a list of available identifers. Default = :data:DEFAULT_FILENAME_TEMPLATE


 | @abstractmethod
| write(profile: DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Abstract method to write a dataset profile to disk. Must be implemented


 | path_suffix(profile: DatasetProfile)

Generate a path string for an output path from a dataset profile by applying the path templating defined in self.path_template


 | file_name(profile: DatasetProfile, file_extension: str, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

For a given DatasetProfile, generate an output filename based on the templating defined in self.filename_template


 | @staticmethod
| template_params(profile: DatasetProfile) -> dict

Return a dictionary of dataset profile metadata which can be used for generating templatized variables or paths.


profile : DatasetProfile The dataset profile


params : dict Variables which can be substituted into a template string.


Template params:

  • name: name of the dataset
  • session_timestamp: session time in UTC epoch milliseconds
  • dataset_timestamp: timestamp for the data in UTC epoch ms
  • session_id: Unique identifier for the session

LocalWriter Objects

class LocalWriter(Writer)

whylogs Writer class that can write to disk.

See :class:Writer for a description of arguments


 | write(profile: DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: Optional[str] = None)

Write a dataset profile to disk


 | ensure_path(suffix: str, addition_part: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str

Ensure that a path exists, creating it if not

S3Writer Objects

class S3Writer(Writer)

whylogs Writer class that can write to S3.

See :class:Writer for a description of arguments


 | write(profile: DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Write a dataset profile to S3

WhyLabsWriter Objects

class WhyLabsWriter(Writer)


 | write(profile: DatasetProfile, rotation_suffix: str = None)

Write a dataset profile to WhyLabs


writer_from_config(config: WriterConfig)

Construct a whylogs Writer from a WriterConfig


writer : Writer whylogs writer

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