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Introduction: WhyLabs Optimize

WhyLabs Optimize is a platform that helps you optimize your machine learning models. It provides a suite of tools to help you understand the performance of your models, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your models for cost, performance, and accuracy.

Build, Deploy, Optimize

The hard work begins once the AI application is deployed to production. Operating the AI applications means creating feedback loops that inform various stakeholders - operations team, security team, product team - about the health and performance of the application. WhyLabs AI Control Center creates feedback loops and helps automate a continuous improvement process.

Create Feedback loops across the AI lifecycle

Observing drift or degradation of data, identifying potentially compromising events impacting model performance, and monitoring for potentially malicious behavior is not enough. Having the ability to mitigate any issues and continuously feedback optimizations, as well as actively reinforce guardrails safeguarding your AI systems is imperative for maintaining responsible AI implementation.

The WhyLabs AI Control Center provides feedback tools for improving any aspect of your AI system. For example, the features specific for LLM projects enables a view of multiple prompts and responses, including RAG data, in your trace dashboard. The dashboard provides easy access and customizations for your policies and profiles, accelerating the ability to optimize models over time.

Our updated OpenLLMTelemetry software can be integrated directly into your private container for tracing Rulesets and for integrating LangKit workflow branch metrics into traces. In addition, we now also support async flow of OpenAI.

Improve Flywheel

Actionable Insights for Continuous Optimizations

With WhyLabs Optimize, you can build evaluation datasets, red team datasets, tune policies continuously, choose an optimal model based on performance metrics, and automate your model updates.


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